The Hydraulics Lab is focused on providing practical experiences in fluid mechanics and open channel flow, key for engineering students and professionals working in water resources, environmental, and civil engineering. This laboratory facilitates understanding of the principles and applications of fluid dynamics through hands-on experiments.

List of the Experiments

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory:

1Centre of Pressure
2Proof of Bernoulli’s Theorem
3Flow Through Venturimeter
4Flow Through Orifice
5Coefficient of Velocity by Coordinate Method
6Flow Through Mouthpiece
7Flow Over V-Notch
8Flow Over Sharp-Crested Weir
9Fluid Friction in Pipe

Open channel Flow Laboratory:

1Broad-Crested Weir
2Sluice Gate
3Venturi Flume
4Parshall Flume
5Cutthroat Flume
6Hydraulic Jump
7Velocity Distribution Profile
8Manning’s Roughness Coefficient
9Specific Force and Specific Energy

Tilting Flume

(270 x 320 x 6100 mm)

Hydrostatic Pressure Apparatus

Pipe Friction Apparatus

Venture Meter

Bernoulli’s Theorem apparatus

Mouth piece Apparatus

Orifice Apparatus

Impact Jet Apparatus

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