Student Success Story

Mohammad Hasan Shaharear

Senior Database Engineer, Therap (BD) Ltd


“It was a complete unknown territory for me when I admitted to BSCSE of UIU in 2003. In fact, I had never operate a computer before. Initially I was a bit exited as well as scared.  Though I had tough time in the beginning, gradually I became familiar with logic of computing and programming languages. With the course of time, I had start enjoying different courses. The excellent blend of theories and hands-on labs made this happen. With their dedications and experience the knowledgeable teachers inspired me to strive for excellence. In a word, CSE department gave me a ideal environment by combining excellent faculty members, study resources and lab facilities to transform myself. Besides curricular works, CSE department  creates several scopes to enlighten our selves through participating in programming contests, software festivals, workshops, training programs and internships. These confidence boosting programs helped me a lot to get ready for the IT industry. After graduating in 2007, I had joined as a junior Database Engineer to Therap (BD) Ltd, one of the leading multinational IT companies in Bangladesh.

After two and half years latter, I came back to UIU for studying MSCSE.  It’s a toiling task to study while doing a full time job. But the choice, once again, paid me off in bigger way. I was selected to complete my post graduation degree in Staffordshire University, UK sponsored by e-LINK project in 2009. When I rejoined to Therap (BD) Ltd, a foreign degree on ‘Data Mining’ contributes in numerous way to strengthen my professional career. As a Senior Database Engineer, I am currently leading a Business Intelligence (BI) project.

It was a tough decision to get enrolled to a unknown subject in a newly started private university. Thanks to Allah that I had made that choice. I believe, it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I also like to thank my parents, UIU management, respected teachers, staffs and friends to support me in all the ways. Without them, the story could have been different. I hope the department of CSE of UIU will continue its journey for excellence and transforming students to build a better Bangladesh.”